Winner of the 2025 Calendar Contest

The 2025 Calendar Contest was a Huge Success

Our annual calendar contest and fundraiser came to an exciting close on Sunday, June 30. We not only met our fundraising goal, we flew right by it!

Through community support of our annual contest and fundraiser, the calendar participants helped raise nearly $74,000 for animals and families across our community. Thank you so much for your incredible generosity! We are simply blown away by the love shown to Alexandria’s animals.

Congratulations to Barnabas! He is the Grand Prize winner and will grace the front and back cover of the 2025 calendar and has been named “Alexandria’s 2025 Animal of the Year!” We also want to send a huge thanks and congrats to our other top vote recipients and prize winners.

Our 2025 calendar will be released in the fall. You can still order copies of the calendar here.

Thank you again to all of the calendar participants – people and animals – who made this year’s calendar contest a HUGE success!

We sincerely appreciate Dirty Paw Photography, DeSilva Studios, and Alexandra Schmeling for donating prizes to this year’s contest.