Now through Valentine’s Day, donate to the Animal Welfare League of Alexandria and send a special AWLA E-Valentine in honor of the animal lover in your life. Your e-card will make their day by honoring them with lifesaving care of our shelter animals.
Proceeds will go to AWLA’s Sarah’s Fund to treat critically ill animals, including providing care for dogs suffering from heartworm, a very serious disease that is fatal without treatment. Currently, three of our shelter dogs, Star, Percy and Sasha, are heartworm positive and need lifesaving treatment to heal their hearts.
Treating heartworm is a long, expensive process. The Animal Welfare League of Alexandria commits to helping every animal that comes through our doors and believes that a treatable medical condition should never prevent an animal from finding a loving home.
Click to send a card and heal a heart!
(Once you choose your donation amount — and there is no minimum — click on the box that says “Dedicate my donation in honor or in memory of someone” to choose your e-card and write a personal message!)
Star traveled thousands of miles to come to the Animal Welfare League of Alexandria: She was rescued from a dog meat farm in South Korea. Humane Society International shut down the farm and brought her to the United States, and we promised her that we would find her a better life and give her a chance to be part of a family. When our veterinary staff examined Star, they found that she was heartworm positive and began treatment.

After a month of antibiotics, Star started intramuscular injections that will help eradicate her heartworms. She’s been in good spirits despite entering this tough phase of her treatment. She has been in foster care since December, and her foster family reports that she loves cuddling, chewing on toys, and rolling in piles of laundry.
Percy is a two-year-old dog who was surrendered in early January. When our veterinary team examined him, they found that he was heartworm positive. Percy also suffered from severe separation anxiety, and because stress and an accelerated heart rate can complicate heartworm treatment, our veterinary and behavior teams worked together to get his anxiety under control so his heartworm treatment could begin.
Percy has been on medication to help ease his anxiety and antibiotics for the past month, and he’s doing much better. He’s getting ready to go into foster care, where he can get comfortable while he begins the next phase of treatment. (We’re still looking for a foster home for Percy so if you’re interested, please email!)