Great Puppy Games 2018: Pupdate #1

AWLA Puppy Games Pupdate 1

Hosted by the AWLA and Vola Lawson Animal Guardians WOOFS! Dog Training Center, LLC, the Puppy Games will follow 11 brothers and sisters as they train in feats of basic training and manners, all taught by the amazing training staff of WOOFS!

In this first Pupdate, we will see where our contestants stand (or maybe even sit) on some of a puppies’ first skills.  Guided by their WOOFS! trainers, each pup will put their attention, recall and agility to the test!

Checking Out the Course

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Mozzarella and Gorgonzola Test Their Recall


Training is Hard Work!

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Check our official Puppy Games 2018 page for full contestant statistics and skills and trainer information, and stay tuned for more Pupdates!