Conclusion of PetSmart PetsHotel Investigation

Alexandria, VA (August 19, 2024) Conclusion of PetSmart PetsHotel Investigation | We appreciate the community’s patience while our Animal Services team investigated the complaints against the PetSmart PetsHotel at Potomac Yard that originated on July 1 with the death of the dog named Clark. 

Of course animals can’t provide firsthand accounts, so we are reliant on forensic testing, information from the parties involved, veterinary records, care logs, video, and other evidence to form as clear of a picture as possible. 

In regards to Clark, the necropsy report showed there was a serious medical issue (bacterial pneumonia related to an E. Coli infection with possible sepsis) present in Clark’s body, which – due to the severity of infection – was likely present prior to his stay at the boarding facility. 

According to the veterinarian who performed the necropsy, Clark’s illness was advanced with bacteria in his lungs, thymus, liver, spleen, thyroid gland, adrenal gland, kidneys, heart, bladder, and brain, and the prognosis for survival would have been poor regardless of where or how he was being cared for. The level of bacteria present in Clark’s body was highly unlikely to have occurred in the time frame in which Clark was in the custody of the PetSmart PetsHotel. Furthermore, according to the veterinarian, the onset of physical symptoms related to the illness would have been sudden and worsened rapidly.

Without being able to perform a necropsy on Blu, we are unable to determine what may have led to his death. We were also unable to perform a necropsy on Lily; however, her cause of death could be attributed to her advanced age. 

While we do not believe the care provided at the PetsHotel during the time Clark, Blu, and Lily boarded was of an exceptional caliber due to the high number of animals in relation to care staff (100-160 animals to 4-5 care staff), on review of this case with the Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office, it was determined that since Clark had a pre-existing medical condition and that medical care was sought by PetSmart staff for Clark, there is insufficient evidence to charge PetSmart or any of its staff with a violation of the Virginia animal care codes and no criminal proceedings will be filed in this matter

We will be making strong recommendations to the PetSmart PetsHotel to consider increasing staff or limiting the number of animals in the facility based on current staffing levels. Pet boarding industry standards recommend having an animal-to-staff ratio of one person to every 15 animals in order to provide the highest level of care. We also strongly recommend that PetSmart have a licensed veterinary technician on staff to monitor animal health and/or require boarding facility staff receive regular and recurring training on how to quickly recognize and respond to medical concerns in the animals kept at the facility.    

It is important to remind our community that animal boarding facilities, unlike animal shelters, are not subject to annual inspections by a state agency, and instead are only subject to inspection if a complaint is filed. 

We encourage animal guardians to do extensive research when choosing any animal-related boarding or sitting services or facilities. Unfortunately, with the lack of government oversight, it is 100% up to the consumer to ensure the facility is providing the standard of care promised and expected. Find a list of things to consider and ask when choosing an animal boarding facility here.

We also encourage our community to reach out to elected state representatives to enact regulations and inspections for animal boarding facilities, setting minimum standards of care and animal-to-care-staff ratios. 

If you would like a copy of the AWLA’s Animal Services’ final report, please complete a request through referencing report number A24-017718.


Alexandria, VA (August 8, 2024) We are reviewing Clark’s complete necropsy and test findings with and presenting recommendations to the Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office for their consideration.

We appreciate your continued patience.


Alexandria, VA (July 30, 2024) We expected to have complete results from the necropsy and additional testing we ordered by now; however, we are still awaiting the results of one test. Unfortunately, the test was not run at the same time as the others, which has caused a delay in the full results. 

We are hopeful the results will be in within the next few weeks, and we will be able to form a clearer, full picture of what caused Clark’s illness and death. 

We appreciate your continued patience as we investigate this case.


Alexandria, VA (July 23, 2024) – We continue to wait for final necropsy results on the dog (Clark) involved in the initial complaint against the PetSmart PetsHotel on July 1, 2024. We are hopeful to have the results, as well as some insight into the dog’s cause of death, within the week. 

The third dog (Lily) involved in this case stayed at the PetSmart PetsHotel from June 18 through June 22. On June 22, a PetSmart employee took Lily to the emergency veterinarian after she began showing signs of illness/medical distress. The emergency veterinarian contacted the owner to let them know they had the dog in their care, had done what they medically could for her, and Lily was ready to be discharged. The veterinarian also recommended Lily go somewhere other than back to the PetSmart boarding facility, citing her older age. Lily was approximately 16 years old. Lily went to stay with a friend of the owner’s for a few days following the veterinary visit, then died on June 26, 2024, after returning home with the owner. 

Lily was cremated (as was Blu), so we are unable to determine the exact causes of death for Blu or Lily. We are still waiting to hear back from the attending veterinarians for both Blu and Lily to discuss their examinations and findings.  

Given all the information we have currently, we do not suspect any active cruelty or intent to harm animals on the part of any PetSmart employees. However, this continues to be an ongoing investigation. We will release additional information when it becomes available.


Alexandria, VA (July 19, 2024) — On July 1, 2024, our Animal Services team was initially contacted regarding the death of a dog while being boarded at the PetSmart PetsHotel located at 3351 Richmond Highway, Alexandria, VA. 

Our Animal Services team has been working diligently on this investigation. The dog’s body was sent for a necropsy (animal autopsy) on July 2, 2024 to hopefully determine what led to the dog’s passing. We are still awaiting the final results of the necropsy. 

Since the complaint, our Animal Services team members have been visiting and inspecting the PetsHotel every two days. Our team has also requested numerous records from PetSmart and are interviewing employees. PetSmart has been cooperating with the investigation.

Since the initial complaint, there have been two additional individuals who have come forward with similar claims. In both cases, the two dogs experienced illnesses and subsequently died within a week of being boarded at the PetsHotel. However, the dog’s bodies have been cremated, so we are unable to have necropsies performed. All three dogs boarded at the PetsHotel during the same timeframe. 

This continues to be an ongoing investigation. We will release additional information when it becomes available. 

It is important to mention that animal boarding facilities, unlike animal shelters, are not subject to annual inspections by a state agency, and instead are only subject to inspection if a complaint is filed. The complaint filed on July 1, 2024, was the first to be investigated by our agency at this location. 

We encourage animal guardians to do extensive research when choosing any animal-related boarding or sitting services or facilities. Find a list of things to consider and ask when choosing an animal boarding facility here.


Image from Google Maps


Erin Shackelford
Marketing and Communications Specialist
(703) 746-5656 (in office Sunday-Thursday)