Help us fill bowls and bellies of shelter animals this holiday season! For $25 you can sponsor a personalized ornament that will decorate an outdoor tree in Del Ray (outside Del Ray Hardware) starting Saturday, December 7 and running through the holidays.
The ornament can be in honor or memory of a friend, family member or beloved animal companion. A picture, name, and short message can be displayed on the ornament. (See an example below.)
Your $25 sponsored ornament will help us feed one shelter animal for one week this holiday season.
Purchase your personalized ornaments through Sunday, November 24 here. Immediately following your payment submission, you will be emailed a Google form with information needed to design your personalized ornament with photo, name, and short message. Please respond to this email ASAP.
You will be able to visit the tree in Del Ray, see your ornament on display and take a picture.
*Please note that the ornaments will be made in-house and are not commercially made keepsakes. If you would like an individual to be notified of a gift in their name or honor, please notate this on the donation form and we will send them a card or email (based on your preference).