AWLA’s Behavior hotline is 703-746-5654. Contact us at this number when you need assistance. Click the link for more details.
AWLA’s Behavior hotline is 703-746-5654. Contact us at this number when you need assistance. Click the link for more details.
On August 15, 2015, AWLA participated in the national #Cleartheshelters day – a project of NBC. This was a great...
“Clear the Shelters” is a huge nation-wide event we support to promote the adoption of animals. On August 15th, let’s...
We are in the middle of kitten season and need fosters to temporarily care for litters of kitten until they...
Often, particularly in spring, concerned people pick up animals that they think are orphaned. More than 75 percent of such...
You can now license your pet online! We have worked closely with the City of Alexandria to expand the animal...
DONATE to the Animal Welfare League of Alexandria Where are the dogs from the meat farm? 23 Dogs to Begin Year...
Get familliar to these cuties ready for adoption! Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus...
M is for Merry and the M-Dogs from Mississippi This is a holiday story about the power of networking, relationships...
The Story of Gracie, Zara and Officer Escobar Zara, a Belgian Malinois, was surrendered to the Animal Welfare League of...