Happy Tails for National Pet Week

We can’t imagine celebrating our pets just one week a year here at the Animal Welfare League of Alexandria, but we’ll still pounce on any opportunity to share about the many animals who meet their new best friends through the work we do. So for National Pet Week, we’re taking a look at a few of our most recent alumni and the Happy Tails stories we’ve received from their families.


Macy, the 8-year-old 3-legged pup never acts her age and prefers to act like a puppy instead! While at the AWLA she made friends with everyone she met and that was true for when she met her family too. Macy’s family sent us an update with her fresh-from-the-groomer look, and her big smile says it all. She is one happy pup! You can now follow her adventures on her Instagram @macydefrain – you can be sure we do! We love seeing her surrounded by her family and being spoiled every minute of the day because sharing our love of our pets is just what National Pet Week is all about.


Spot and Sunny

Known as Karli and Illana during their time with us, bunny best friends Spot and Sunny met their family after just one day of looking! Now they enjoy time to roam in their bunny-friendly home and even have a rabbit-sized house where they can cuddle up together when it’s time to relax. When they’re ready for sunshine and clover snacks, they head to the yard in their harnesses where they always have family members to play with so they can all explore together.





Maggie went by Ethel during her time at the AWLA, but that isn’t the only thing that has changed about her since her time with us. At just 4 months old, Maggie was shy and timid in new situations, but thanks to her family, she’s learning to explore the world with confidence. Now she’s a friendly, cuddly puppy who is always eager to meet other people and pups.





With his handsome tuxedo, Clue is always dressed to impress, and with his sweet, affectionate nature, he quickly purred his way into the heart of his best friend! Now Clue enjoys sometimes having the bed all to himself, playing with his feline siblings, always having a cuddle buddy and being part of a loving family.






We love to hear from our alumni every week of the year, whether you adopted your best friend last month or years ago. Email us at info@alexandriaanimals.org, tag us on Facebook @AlexandriaAnimals, or on Instagram and Twitter @AlexAnimals. Follow our alumni on Instagram with #AlexAlumni, and share your own updates too!

Happy National Pet Week to all of our alumni and to everyone in our animal-loving community!

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