2025 Calendar Pet Photo Contest

NOW OPEN for Entries & Voting

Our annual calendar pet photo contest is one of our biggest and most popular fundraisers of the year. Entry submission and voting are now open! 

Submit your pets’ photos and ask your friends and family to vote for your pet throughout the month of June. All submitted pictures will make an appearance in the calendar, but the animals with the most votes will win some pretty cool prizes. Find more details on those below.

The contest is open to everyone — you don’t have to live in Alexandria or have adopted your animal from the AWLA.

How to Enter and Win

Visit the AWLA Calendar Contest homepage here. Upload your pet’s photo and information, and make your $35 donation to the AWLA (which includes a mailed printed calendar). Next, encourage your friends and family to go to the homepage and vote ($1 per vote) for your pet to be the big winner! The contest runs until 8 p.m. on June 30.

Keep an eye on our social media and your email for challenges to help you win bonus votes throughout the month.


The top dog (or cat, or bird, or bunny) with the most votes on June 30 with be our GRAND PRIZE WINNER and will grace the front and back cover of our 2025 calendar, receive a professional pet photo shoot, receive year-round invitations to AWLA events as “Alexandria’s 2025 Animal of the Year,” have their photo featured on buses throughout Northern Virginia, be in a full page advertisement in the Zebra, and more.

The next three top vote recipients will receive a professional pet photo shoot and a full-page photo in the 2025 calendar and be featured in a full page advertisement. Entries receiving the 5th through 13th-highest vote tallies will receive a quarter-page photo placement on one calendar page.

All entrants will have their photo in the 2025 calendar, receive a free mailed calendar, and have the wonderful feeling of helping make Alexandria an even better home for animals!

All proceeds from calendar contest entries and votes will benefit the Animal Welfare League of Alexandria and our mission to help pets and the people who love them in our community.