The Beagle Bugle: Summer 2019

Pawspective: Country Gal in a Big City

ALEXANDRIA, VA ⁠— I may be nothing but a hound dog, but my three years of life spent traveling have given me a unique perspective of the world. I lived before in southern Virginia and enjoyed the very best of porch-lounging, squirrel-chasing and yard-running.

Now, I’m in the big city of Alexandria where there are friends-a-plenty, hundreds of people I have never even sniffed (I knew everyone back home) and hidden gems around every corner. The first time I went on a field trip to Old Town, I was amazed by the hustle and bustle, and I actually found myself loving every minute. Looks like a naive gal like me can learn new tricks. If I pass on one word of advice to my fellow travelers, it would be to eat every snack that comes your way. It’s all part of the adventure.

Penny, Junior Editor, 3-year-old Treeing Walker Coonhound

Junior Editor Penny has office hours at the shelter every day starting at noon (except Wednesday) if you’d like to stop by to share news, treats and belly rubs.

Nicky’s News

Opinion: A Napping Revolution

More and more studies show the benefits of a good day’s sleep. Wondering if you should cut your nap short to squeeze in a little extra toy-chasing? Science says that sleep may be a healthier alternative. The average cat sleeps 12 to 16 hours each day, so make sure any co-habitants understand the health benefits of your naps.

Try to avoid activities like red dot or watching too many squirrel videos as you’re winding down for the day. It might be tempting to leave that episode of My Cat From Hell running as you drift off, but screen time or harsh lights before napping can lead to less restful sleep. Do yourself a favor for your nap and find a quiet place, whether that’s on a nice clean pile of laundry, a warm computer keyboard, your bed that’s big enough for the dog or a nice person who is just about to stand up.

Nicky, Guest Contributor, 8-year-old Domestic Longhair

You can find more of Nicky’s recent articles in Opinionated Cats Magazine and Cats’ Digest or request an appointment to meet her at her foster home.

Cottontail Culture

Summer is Here

What’s the best way for my fellow buns to beat the heat? Refreshing snacks of cool carrots are my go-to treat. In the meantime, I’ve exchanged my walking harness until fall for cooler, indoor activities like building box forts and re-arranging the hay bin.

While your family is out hiking, at a restaurant or whatever it is humans find fun, you can always keep up with our book contributor Phoebe’s summer reading list, which includes Fahrenheit Four-Fifty-Bun, Of Rabbits and Men and other such classics.

As for me, I’ll be working on my blog “Crafting with Cottontail” where you can learn all about box fort construction and best practices. Safe architecture is paramount, my friends!

Cottontail, Culture Writer, 10-month-old White Rabbit

Keep up with all things current and stop by and visit Cottontail at the shelter today!

Weekly Weather

with Meteorologist Maxx

My ears report that there is a 30% chance it’s raining right now. With this summer weather, anything goes. What I can accurately forecast is that a game of fetch is heading my way, hopefully with scattered treats.

Inaccurate but adorable predictions from Meteorologist Maxx, 2-year-old Labrador Retriever